North 24 Parganas: BJP senior leader and Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, while addressing a public rally in West Bengal’s Swarupnagar on Tuesday lashed out at Mamata Banerjee saying her conduct is unbecoming of a CM. “You talk nonsense about our PM. Why do you blame him for everything? I have also been a CM and know how a CM should behave,” said Rajnath. He asked, “EC has banned her for 24 hours citing MCC violation. She’s now against the EC. Didi, can you spare anyone?” The BJP leader also alleged that bombs were being made to attack opponents in the state. “I saw on TV that there’s a bomb factory here. I thought it was a government factory, but bombs were made to attack opponents. How was it possible to make bombs under the CM’s leadership? If BJP government is formed, there will be either bombs or us,” the minister further said