Bollywood actress Dia Mirza tied the knot with her businessman beau Vaibhav Rekhi in Bandra, Mumbai on Monday. The two got married in the presence of their families and close friends. It is said to be a private ceremony where only close friends of Dia and Vaibhav were invited. The rumours about Dia and Vaibhav dating came about last year during the Covid-19 lockdown although they kept their relationship under wraps.
For her big day, Dia wore a red embroidered saree with a chunni of matching colour on her head. She embraced accessories of contrasting colours to complete the beautiful bridal look. The bride chose to go minimal on accessories and kept her makeup subtle. Dia looked graceful as she donned the perfect ethnic dress for her wedding day.
Last week, on Saturday, the pre-wedding festivities took place with the couple’s close friends and family around. The photos were posted by Dia Mirza’s sister-in-law on her social media.
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