In a disturbing incident, Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s five-year old daughter received rape threats from social media trolls following Chennai Super Kings’ loss to Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) on Tuesday night. CSK failed to chase a 168-run target, losing the game to KKR by 10 runs. Dhoni’s wife, Sakshi, got the threats on her Instagram account.
Sanctions target Burhan’s leadership amid Sudan’s escalating civil war, condemning his role in indiscriminate attacks…
Deolira, born in 1905, is determined to secure the Guinness title as the world’s oldest…
Israeli Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir threatens to resign and withdraw his party, Otzma Yehudit, from the…
Donald Trump Jr’s Greenland event faced backlash after reports surfaced that homeless people were offered…
Initially thought to be human, the 20,000-year-old Ushikawa fossils were reclassified as bear bones after…
US officials are addressing a last-minute issue over prisoner identities in the Gaza ceasefire deal,…