Self-styled Godman Dhirendra Shastri, also known as Bageshwar Dham Sarkar, has received death threats, informed police officials on 24th January. The accused is yet to be identified. “A case under section 506, 507 of the Indian PENAL Code was registered against an unknown person in Chhatarpur’s Bamitha police station”, said Superintendent of Police, Sachin Sharma.
PM Modi lauds a 200% surge in startup registrations in Nagaland during his Mann Ki…
China's EV giant BYD plans to manufacture in India but awaits favorable conditions. The company…
The Trump administration is rethinking next week’s planned immigration raids after details were leaked. With…
President-elect Trump plans trips to China and India to strengthen diplomatic ties after taking office.…
Jill Biden enjoyed a zoo tour with Beau Biden on her final day as First…
Lex Fridman, the host of the popular Lex Fridman Podcast, is set to interview Indian…