Senior actor Dharmendra has taken the internet by storm with his youthful looks at the age of 87. The actor took to his official Twitter handle and shared a couple of pictures. Along with the pictures, he wrote, “Friends, some photos by my grandson Dharam. I call him ‘USTAAD’. A good time paas with Ustaad.” Reacting to his new pictures, one of the users wrote, “Handsome as always.” Another wrote, “Handsome Forever!! You were the HE-MAN of industry and still today you are.”
Check out the viral pictures below
For the unversed, Dharmendra and Shabana Azmi took the internet by shock with their lip-lock in Karan Johar’s directorial Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. Shabana plays Dharmendra’s long-lost lover who reunites with him several years later in Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. The kissing scene between the two has become a hot top of discussion on social media platforms. Produced by Dharma Productions and Viacom18 Studios, Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani is about a couple with personalities poles apart yet who fall in love and decide to live with each other’s families before getting married. Ranveer Singh plays Rocky Randhawa, a loud and flamboyant Punjabi boy. On the other hand, the gorgeous Alia essays the role of Rani Chatterjee, an intellectual Bengali TV journalist.
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