On Tuesday, Kartik Krishna Trayodashi, the five-day festival of lights began with Dhanteras. As soon as the switch of collective lighting was turned on in the ramparts, the walls were bathed in colourful light. People came with their families to see the lights. They captured the scenes of lighting done on different themes in different markets on their mobiles and shared them on social media. On Dhanteras, Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kuber were worshipped. In the evening, lamps were lit towards the south for Yam. In temples, Lord Kuber was worshipped, the treasurer of the gods, and Lord Dhanvantari, the god of health. After worship in Ayurvedic dispensaries, Vaidyas were honoured. By worshipping Lord Dhanvantri, the father of Ayurveda, people wished for good health. On the other hand, people thronged the markets for shopping on Dhanteras. Due to Tripushkar Yoga, Indra Yoga, Vaidhriti Yoga, Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra, auspicious combination of Hasta Nakshatra, conjunction of Mercury and Venus and Lakshmi Narayan Raj Yoga, people were very enthusiastic about shopping. People bought Lakshmi-Ganesh idols, cowrie shells, lotus seeds, coriander, turmeric knots, earthen pots, gold, silver, brass, copper, bronze, steel, ashtadhatu utensils, brooms, clothes, decorative items. On Diwali, there was a huge crowd of customers till late night at the shops selling items related to home decoration.
A total of 64 farmers from 20 villages of Jodhpur bought 64 tractors from a single showroom. These farmers were waiting for a good muhurat to buy tractors for many months. While two devotees from Gujarat have presented a palanquin and chariot made of 23 kg silver to Sanwalia Seth. Silver work has been done on the chariot and palanquin made of wood.
Automobile Federation Vice President Sai Girdhar said, “On the occasion of Dhanteras, 25 to 30 thousand vehicles have been delivered in the whole of Rajasthan. Jaipur’s figure is around 14 thousand in this. This will be a bumper Diwali for automobiles. We had already estimated that this business will increase by 20% compared to last year. This will be a record month in the festival season in Rajasthan. Two lakh vehicles are expected to be sold in a month in Rajasthan.”
Traders in the Pink City market were also seen buying ledgers on the occasion of Dhanteras. Ledgers are worshipped on Diwali. Ankit Agarwal, who has been doing the business of ledgers for generations in Chaura Rasta, said that it is purchased on Pushya Nakshatra, Dhanteras and Diwali. Traders buy ledgers for the whole year together on Dhanteras. They start using it from April 1.

Utensil sales surpass Rs 15 crores
Navneet Mittal, a utensil businessman from Badi Chaupad in Jaipur, expressed optimism for strong sales during Dhanteras, and his expectations were met. The market featured a variety of items, including utensils for worship and decorative flowerpots. This year, the utensils industry in Jaipur anticipated business worth approximately Rs 20 crores, and by late night, over Rs15 crores had already been recorded in sales.

Vaidyas honoured at National Ayurveda Institute
Vaidyas were honoured by worshipping Lord Dhanvantari in the National Ayurveda Institute located at Jorawar Singh Gate, Dhanvantari dispensary located in Johri Bazaar. Medical Officer Vaidya Mahesh Prakash Sharma at the Government Ayurveda dispensary in Murlipura said that by adopting Ayurveda one can remain healthy and disease-free for a long time and live a long life. On this occasion, Dr Mahesh Prakash Sharma, Nagendra Vashishth, Gopal Sharma, Lokchand Hariramani, Gyarsilal Patwari, Ramesh Karamchandani, Kashi Dixit, Subhash Sharma, Dr Mukul Sharma, Yash Patwari and other dignitaries were present.