A day before the Bengal Assembly’s budget session that Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar is scheduled to address, ties between Raj Bhawan and the TMC worsened further on Thursday with the ruling party releasing two photographs to insinuate a link between the main accused in the fake Covid-19 vaccination racket—Arvind Vaidya—and Dhankhar. The TMC alleged again that the latter was an accused in the Jain hawala case in the 1990s.

According to sources, Dhankhar will reach the assembly by 1:55 pm on Friday. His convoy will enter through gate number 3 of the assembly, and as per custom, the Speaker will take the Governor from the verandah to the sitting room. Later, he will give a speech. Nevertheless, it is the custom of the governor to read in his speech what the government has written, but Dhankhar outrightly objected to that.

The ruling party fears that the governor can change any of the speeches, or can omit part of he dislikes. Amid these possibilities, everyone has been asked to be present in the session room so that the MLAs can express their views, sources said.

At the same time, the goal of the grassroots is to show the strength of the party on the first day of the assembly session after the huge victory in the elections.

Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, TMC national spokesperson and Rajya Sabha MP Sukhendushekhar Roy exhibited a photograph saying, “His security guard is right behind Devanjan, the fraudster of the fake vaccine case. His name is Arvind Vaidya. I can’t say whether he is fake or not. See if you can recognize it! Who is the security guard standing behind? Debanjan’s security guard is smiling with the Governor and his relatives. ‘’

Roy added, ‘’ It is heard that Debanjan used to send envelopes and gifts to a special person from time to time through this security guard. We will bring the matter to the notice of the investigators on behalf of the team. I want all the information to be published. The Chief Minister said that no concession will be given to those who have caused inconvenience to the people through vaccination. If seen, If there is any connection between the fraudster and the governor of West Bengal or if the picture is true, then it is terrible for the country. ‘’

Arup Kali

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