The Supreme Court on Tuesday issued a slew of directions on the management of the Mahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain. After the verdict, while interacting with the other judges on the bench, Justice Arun Mishra said, “Shiv ji ki kripa se ye aakhri judgement bhi ho gaya.” (The final judgment has also been delivered, by the grace of Lord Shiva.)

The apex court in its judgement said that devotees should not rub the Shivalingam at the temple, and that the Temple Committee is to ensure that the pH value of Bhasma during the Bhasma Aarti is improved and the Shivalingam is saved from further deterioration, in addition to implementing the best methodology to prevent further damage to the lingam.

The Temple Committee has also been directed to ensure that the weight of the Mund Mala and Serpakarnahas is further reduced to preserve the Shivalingam from mechanical abrasion. The Temple Committee is to consider whether it is necessary to use the metal Mund Mala on the Shivalingam or whether there can be a way to use the Mund Mala and Serpakarnahas without touching the Shivalingam. The possibility of further reducing weight may also be found out to prevent mechanical abrasion, the top court said.

The rubbing of curd, ghee and honey on the Shivalingam by devotees has also been stated as a cause of its erosion. The court said that it would be appropriate if only the pouring of a limited quantity of pure milk is allowed by the Committee. Whereas in the traditional puja, to be done on behalf of the temple, all pure materials can be used, the court added.

The Supreme Court judgement further said that “Poojaris (Janeupati, Khutpati), Purohits, and their authorised representatives be directed to ensure that no visitors or devotees rub the Shivalingam”. If it is done by any devotee, the accompanying Poojari or Purohit shall be responsible for not stopping the rubbing. No rubbing of the Shivalingam is to be done by anyone, except during traditional Puja and Archana performed on behalf of the temple, the judgement said.

The entire proceedings of Puja and Archana in the Garbh Griha are also to be recorded on video 24 hours and be preserved for six months at least, according to the judgement. If any violation by any Poojari or Purohit is found, the Temple Committee can take suitable action against that Poojari or Purohit, as considered appropriate, the Court said.

The SC also directed the Collector and Superintendent of Police of Ujjain to ensure that encroachment within 500 metres of the area of the temple premises is removed, as suggested by the Experts Committee. “Let the needful be done by 15th December, 2020, and a report be submitted to this Court,” the judgement said.

The apex court had been dealing with the issue of protecting the ‘Jyotirlingam’, a devotional representation of Lord Shiva at the ancient Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga temple at Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh, for some time now.