The portals of the Badrinath temple in Uttarakhand were opened on Thursday, and the first puja was done on behalf of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the shrine’s committee said. Thousands of pilgrims had gathered at the Himalayan shrine amid light snowfall and rain to witness the opening of the temple at 7:10 a.m. They also paid obeisance to Lord Vishnu, to whom the temple is dedicated.
The temple was decorated with 15 quintals of flowers for the occasion, and after the opening ceremony, its chief priest, Ishwari Prasad Namboodiri, performed a special puja inside the sanctum sanctorum, praying for the wellbeing of everyone.
The first puja was done on behalf of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Badrinath-Kedarnath Temple Committee said. Flower petals were also showered on pilgrims from a helicopter. With the opening of Badrinath on Thursday, all Char Dham temples in Uttarakhand are now open for pilgrims.
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