The town of Gujarat’s Vadnagar rose to fame after its local Narendra Modi went on to become the Prime Minister of the country. It was at the very railway station in Vadnagar, where a young Narendra sold tea with his late father. It seems for the people of Vadnagar, the name of Narendra Modi still remains the biggest factor whether it be the elections in Gujarat or when it comes to leading the country.
The Western Railway (WR) has introduced a new daily intercity express between Valsad and Vadnagar, a long pending demand which was fulfilled early this month.
A traveller Sanjeev said, “For us, it’s very convenient because the train comes and goes on time.”
Valsad-Vadnagar-Valsad Intercity Express leaves Valsad daily at 05.45 am and reaches Vadnagar at 12.45 pm, on the same day. Similarly, Train No. 19010 Vadnagar- Valsad Intercity-Express departs from Vadnagar daily at 16.45 hours and reaches Valsad at 00.35 hours, the next day.
Praveen, another traveller said, “There is a need for more trains to run from here. This will save the travel cost and also make travelling a good experience.”
Kailash Panchal who was travelling this route for the first time said it was a nice experience for her. “I am travelling for the first time on this route but it is an amazing experience I want to thank Prime Minister Modi for this,” she said.
Bharatbhai, another traveller said that more trains are now needed to be started.
“The Modi government has established a medical college and Hospital and people are getting free medical treatment here. A train has been started and now another train will also be started to Ambaji which is making us very happy,” he said.
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