Dev Samaj College of Education in Sector 36-B, Chandigarh celebrated its 38th Annual Sports Day. The event commenced with the flag hoisting by Dr. Agnes Dhillon, College Management Secretary, followed by a march past by students from various programs. An oath-taking ceremony was held, emphasizing the commitment to sportsmanship.

Students showcased their athletic abilities in track and field events, including the 100-meter race, 50-meter race, relay race, and shot put. Recreational games such as Tug of War, Lemon Spoon Race, Sack Race, Chatti Race, Slow Cycling, and others were also enthusiastically participated in.

B.Ed. student Mandeep was honored as the Athlete of the Year, while M.Ed. students Seema and Vanshika received the Best Sports Person of the Year award for representing the college at the All India Inter-University and national levels.

Dr. Rakesh Malik, Deputy Director of the Sports Department at Panjab University, Chandigarh, served as the chief guest, and international player Sabiha Dhillon Mangat, Principal of IS Dev Samaj Senior Secondary School, Chandigarh, was also present. Dr. Agnes Dhillon, along with Dr. Rakesh Malik and Sabiha Dhillon Mangat, awarded prizes and certificates to the winners of various competitions at the end of the event.

Dr. Malik addressed the students, providing insights into sports careers and emphasizing the role of sports in individual well-being. Dr. Richa Sharma commended the event organizers and congratulated the winners and participants for showcasing the true spirit of sportsmanship.