Under the leadership of Police Station Sector 5 in-charge Rupesh Chaudhary, in-charge of Police Post Sector 10 Deputy Inspector Mandeep Singh Dhanda arrested the accused who had committed about 6 theft crimes. The arrested accused was identified as Rahul, a resident of Indira Colony, Sector 17, Panchkula. Stolen goods, which included 03 sports cycles, 01 laptop, 01 laptop, and 7.09 kg silver, were recovered from the accused.
The in-charge of Police Post Sector 10 said that the victim Jatin Chadda, a resident of Sector 12, Panchkula, was going to the Sector 11 temple when his mobile was stolen by an unknown person. After registering a case on the complaint, while investigating the matter, with the help of CCTV cameras, the accused Rahul Kumar was arrested, presented in court, and taken on police remand for 3 days. During his interrogation during remand, the accused confessed to about 6 incidents from different places in Panchkula. The accused from whom the stolen goods were recovered was presented before the court and sent to judicial custody in Ambala.
During interrogation, the accused revealed that the victim, Mohan Lal, a resident of Sector 16, Panchkula, was staying at his brother’s house in Sector 16, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, from whom he had committed the theft of 7 kg 900 grams of silver jewelry. A case of theft has been registered in Sector 14 Police Station, in which stolen silver jewelry worth 7 kg and 900 grams was recovered.
Apart from this, the accused had committed the theft of a Hero Sprint Company’s bicycle belonging to a bank guard in Sector 10, Panchkula. A case has been registered in Police Station Sector 5, in which this bicycle and two other stolen bicycles were recovered from the accused.
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