Deputy Commissioner Spiti administration Neeraj Kumar said that the administration has started the work of rescuing 16 trekkers trapped in the Khanmigar glacier. The Spiti administration was informed on Monday morning by two members of a 16-member team that their other accomplices were trapped in the Khanmigar glacier, out of which two trekkers had died on the spot. While the other companions are still trapped there. At present 14 members are stranded. Spiti administration has formed a 32-member rescue team. In this team 16 ITBP jawans, 6 Dogra scouts also have a doctor in the same language. Along with this, 10 porters, who will work as load-bearing.
Kumar said that on 15 September, six members of the Indian Mountaineering Foundation, West Bengal had left from Batal to cross the Kaza via Khamingar glacier trek. 10 porters are also with them. According to the information received by the administration, three trekkers, one Sherpa (local guide) and 10 porters are also trapped at Khamigar glacier, whose height is about 5034 meters. It will take three days for the rescue team to reach Khamingar. Talks have been held for rescue through helicopters. However, there it cannot be reached via helicopter. Therefore a 32-member rescue team has been formed. The rescue work will start from Kah village in Pin Valley. On the first day on 28th September, Kah to Chankanhango, on the second day Chankhango to Dhar Thango and on the last day the Khamingar Glacier Rescue team will reach from Dharthango. At the same time, it will take three days to reach Kah from Khamigar Galeshire back.
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