Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis unveiled a statue of Maratha warrior king Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj during his Mauritius visit on Friday and said, “We all know that we exist because Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj existed.”
Talking about Shivaji Maharaj, Fadnavis praised Maratha warrior and listed down the works done by him. “The way he managed tax system and law and order was exceptional.” Fadnavis also announced a grant of 44 million Mauritius rupees for building a multi-purpose hall and a scholarship for 10 students. Devendra Fadnavis was joined by the Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jugnauth and the Mauritius Marathi Mandali Federation members for the inauguration ceremony.
“Inspiring and insightful! Called on the Hon’ble Prime Minister of Mauritius Pravind Kumar Jugnauth ji, a great leader who has played a very important role in preserving and strengthening the India – Mauritius bond since many years. Had very positive discussions on taking Maharashtra – Mauritius connect to an even more advanced stage,” said Fadnavis in a tweet.
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