Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari inaugurated the 67th National School Kabbadi Competition at the SMS Indoor Stadium in Jaipur. The competition, involving 27 teams from different states, commenced on Wednesday. During the event, she extended best wishes to the players for a bright future.
She mentioned that through initiatives like the Khelo India program, Fit India campaign, Special Area Games plan, and the Olympic podium scheme launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, talented athletes are getting a grand platform to showcase their skills.
She added, “The efforts made are providing opportunities for talented and skilled youth from across the country to display their talents. Today, the youth is not only building the future of sports but is also bringing glory to their regions and the country.”
Present at the event were the Secretary of School Education Rajasthan, Navin Jain, National President of Krida Bharati, Gopal Saini, President of the Rajasthan State Kabbadi Association, Tejasvi Gahlot, Megh Singh from Krida Bharati Rajasthan Coordinator, Suresh Mishra, Chairman of the Rajasthan Rugby Football Association, Kanaram, Director of Primary Education Rajasthan, and District Education Officer Rajendra Hans.