Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar, Vijay Kumar Sinha, launched the first-ever translation of the Magahi novel ‘Fool Bahadur’ by Jayanath Pati in Patna. The launch took place at the Bihar Samvadi, a literature festival organized by the Dainik Jagran group, where Sinha was in attendance along with eminent Marathi writer Viswas Patil and several renowned writers and intellectuals from Bihar.
During the festival, Abhay K. participated in a panel discussion on Bihari Asmita/Pride alongside Tripurari Saran and Rambachan Rai, moderated by Anish Ankur. Speaking at the event, Abhay K. expressed his efforts to showcase the rich literary and intellectual tradition of Bihar to the world through the publication of books like ‘Fool Bahadur’ and his forthcoming work on Nalanda. He emphasized the importance of making Bihari Literature a part of World Literature.
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