Wednesday morning witnessed Delhi-NCR enveloped in a thick layer of fog, causing visibility challenges and adding to the difficulties faced by commuters in the bone-chilling winter. Responding to the situation, Delhi Airport issued a passenger advisory, stating, “While landing and takeoffs continue at Delhi Airport, flights that are not CAT III compliant may get affected. Passengers are requested to contact the airline concerned for updated flight information. Any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.”
Images from various locations in Delhi depicted people gathering around bonfires to combat the cold. A resident in the Red Fort area, speaking to ANI, highlighted the hardships faced by individuals due to delayed buses and, in some areas, the unavailability of public vehicles in the freezing weather.
The previous day, Tuesday, witnessed a similar scenario as dense fog covered the national capital and extensive regions of North India, significantly impacting visibility and disrupting flight and train services. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) reported very dense fog in isolated pockets of Punjab, Haryana, Northwest Rajasthan, and eastern Uttar Pradesh.
Meanwhile, flight operations were remained also disrupted at the Delhi airport on account of the thick fog across the national capital on Tuesday morning.
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