BJP leaders in Uttar Pradesh are demanding to change the name of Lucknow city to Lakshman nagari. Now BJP Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak while meeting state BJP leades has committed to take up the issue with the Central Goverment for changing the name. BJP MP Sangam lal Gupta recently wrote a letter to Home Minister Amit Shah to change the name of Uttar Pradesh capital city Lucknow to ‘Lakhanpur or Laxampur’, stating that the city was earlier named Lakhanpur in Treta Yug, and later Nawab Asaf-uD-Daula had renamed it to Lucknow. Various myths are doing rounds regarding Lucknow city that it was gifted by Lord Ram to his brother and King of Ayodhya Laxman in the Treta Yug which is why the city was known as Lakha…
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