Days ahead of Diwali, the Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport’s Terminal 1 on Sunday resumed operations after more than 18 months of prolonged closure. The official Twitter handle for the Delhi Airport also shared video and photos of the first scheduled flight arriving at Terminal 1 after 18 months. The first flight scheduled from T1 after its reopening was an Indigo flight that departed for Mumbai at 0105 hours.
Since 25 March 2020, the airport terminal had been remained closed after a nationwide lockdown was announced by the government.
Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) had on Friday announced that it will resume flight operations at its T1 terminal from 31 October onwards.
The T3 terminal and the T2 terminal of the Delhi airport resumed handling flight operations from 25 May 2020, and 22 July 2021, respectively, the GMR group-led DIAL mentioned. The operations at Terminal 1 will resume with pre-Covid operators IndiGo and Spice Jet, DIAL had said.
The olympic medalist shared the news with his fans on Instagram on Sunday.
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