Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai on Thursday inspected the on-going work of the Smog Tower at the Baba Kharag Singh Marg, Connaught Place. He said that under the leadership of CM Arvind Kejriwal Delhi is the first state to establish a smog tower at Connaught Place. Rai said that this ambitious project will be completed within 15th August this year and then the experts will study the outcomes of this tower. He said that the Delhi government is making this tower on a pilot basis and based on the success of this work such towers will be built across the Capital. He said that the DPCC, IIT Mumbai, NBCC and Tata Project are also working jointly to build this smog tower.

“Under the leadership of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal the Delhi government had launched a war against air pollution. The Delhi government has taken several steps to combat the air pollution in Delhi such as bringing the tree transplantation policy, anti-dust pollution campaign, electric vehicle policy, red light on Gaddi off the campaign and many others. The Delhi government is the first state government to come up with a solution to stubble burning by using bio decomposer. We are also holding a mega plantation drive across the Capital. The Delhi government is working based on a 10-point action plan to combat air pollution,” said Gopal Rai.

“Under this plan, Delhi is the first state to establish a smog tower at the Connaught Place and today I have come here to inspect the work. The work has been delayed due to the second wave of the COVID pandemic but today I have directed to escalate the work. We are making this tower on a pilot basis and based on the success of this work such towers will be built across the Capital,” he added.

“The total cost of this tower is Rs. 20 crores. The height of this tower is around 25 meter. It has a capacity of air purification of 1000 cubic meters per second. The Delhi pollution control committee (DPCC) of the state government is the nodal authority of making this tower. However, IIT Mumbai, NBCC and Tata Project are also working jointly with the Delhi government to build this tower”. “China has such smog towers but the technology of this tower is different. The towers of China take the polluted air from the bottom and emits the purified air from the top. But this tower works in the opposite direction. This tower has around 40 wings which will emit the purified air at 10 meters above the ground. The effect of this purified air will be till 1 square km area. This tower will also help to get rid of PM 10 and PM 2.5,” said Rai.

Ajeet Kumar Srivastava

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