Indian Railways is actively working to enhance the speed of trains along the Delhi to Ahmedabad route. In this initiative, the trains’ speed has been upgraded from 110 km/hour to 130 km/hour. The first phase of this project saw the Rewari-Palanpur section’s speed elevated from 110 to 130 km/hour. Following a successful trial, three Vande Bharat trains, namely Ajmer-Delhi Cantt, Ajmer-Dadar, and Udaipur-Nizamuddin, have commenced operations at a speed of 130 km/hour.
Ashish Purohit, a train operation expert, explains that, with the trial’s success, approval has been granted to operate four additional pairs of trains at a speed of 130 km/hour. The speed enhancement for these four trains is scheduled to be implemented by January 3.
Rajnish Sharma, another train operation expert, details that Rajdhani Express between Rewari-Palanpur, Shatabdi Express between Rewari-Ajmer, Ahmedabad-Sultanpur Express between Rewari-Palanpur, and Puja Superfast between Ajmer-Rewari will operate at a speed of 130 km/hour. With this increased speed, the journey duration between Jaipur and Delhi is expected to be reduced by up to 45 minutes.