India detected 36,410 cases of the novel coronavirus on Tuesday, the highest number of daily new cases since July 17. However, Delhi saw its highest single-day spike till date, with 4,853 fresh Covid-19 cases being recorded on Tuesday. The capital›s total infection tally has now mounted to over 3.64 lakh cases. The previous highest single-day spike, of 4,473 cases, had been recorded on September 16.

India’s Covid-19 tally of 79.46 lakh (79,46,429) cases includes 6,25,857 people under treatment for the disease and 72,01,070 who have recovered, and with 488 additional deaths on Monday, the country›s death toll has risen to 1,19,502. However, the fatality rate dropped to 1.50% on Monday, which is the lowest since March 22.

The Union Health Ministry said, “The Case Fatality Ratio (CFR) was lower than one percent in at least 14 states and union territories, including Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Bihar, Odisha, Assam and Kerala. India has one of the lowest fatality rates in the world.” Health Secretary Bhushan said, “49.4% of new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours were reported from five states and union territories, which are Kerala, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Delhi.”

Delhi›s 4,853 fresh cases came after 57,210 tests were conducted the previous day. 44 new fatalities pushed the death toll in the national capital to 6,356. The active cases on Tuesday also rose to 27,873, taking the total number of cases to 3,64,341.

Meanwhile, Maharashtra’s coronavirus count increased to 16,54,028 on Tuesday, with 5,363 new cases being reported. The state also recorded 115 deaths during the last 24 hours, taking the death toll to 43,463. A total of 7,836 patients were discharged after treatment, taking the total tally of recovered people to 14,78,496. With this, the number of active patients in the state stands at 1,31,544. The state capital, Mumbai, reported 801 new cases in a day, which pushed its overall case count to 2,52,886, while the city›s death toll rose to 10,165, of which 23 were reported on Tuesday.

West Bengal reported the highest single-day recovery numbers, with 3,917 COVID-19 patients, taking the total number of cured people to 3,14,003. The discharge rate in the state was recorded at 87.76 per cent. However, the death toll mounted to 6,604 after 58 fresh fatalities were reported from different parts of the state. West BBengal›s coronavirus tally now stands at 3,57,779 as 3,957 more people tested positive for the infection.

Among the southern states, the COVID-19 tally in Andhra Pradesh rose to 8,11,825 with 2,901 more cases being reported on Tuesday. However, 4,352 people were cured in 24 hours, taking the total recoveries to 7,77,900.

Meanwhile, Kerala reported 5,457 new COVID-19 cases and 24 more deaths, taking the infection count in the state to 3,89,735 and the death toll to 1,376. State Health Minister K.K. Shailaja said, “Thrissur reported 730 positive cases on Tuesday, the highest in the state, followed by Ernakulam with 716 and Malapuram with 706.”