Delhi Police on Wednesday seized 510 kg of firecrackers and nabbed two from the Kartar Nagar and the Sonia Vihar areas of northeast Delhi. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Northeast) Joy Tirkey stated that officers at the New Usmanpur police station were tipped off about a man selling firecrackers near the Hanuman temple in Kartar Nagar.Tirkey stated, “A police team was formed that raided the location and seized 390 kg of firecrackers from one Ankur Sharma (23). He disclosed that he intended to sell the crackers and was expecting a handsome margin.” In another raid, a special team of Khajuri Khas police station, acting on a tip-off, arrested one Rajesh Gupta (47) from Sonia Vihar and seized 120 kg of firecrackers. Tirkey stated, “So far, we have seized 1,690 kg of firecrackers from the northeast area. Storing such a huge quantity of crackers in densely populated areas might be a serious threat for the residents.”
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