In a bizarre incident, the Delhi Police has arrested a man who was declared dead in official documents 24 years ago.
As the man, wanted in a theft case in 1991, was declared “dead” in all official papers, the Delhi Police stopped looking for him 24 years ago.
However, the Bawana police were recently tipped off about the accused, and Delhi Police later worked on the lead to nab him.
After his arrest, the Delhi Police informed him that a case of theft had been registered against him in 1991 and the matter was in court. However, he was declared “dead” in official documents submitted to court in 1998.
The city police said he forged the documents and went into hiding. He was on the run for the next 24 years.
Accepting that the accused was dead, the court left his file pending. It remained pending until he was finally arrested.
Speaking on the case, DCP Outer-North District Devesh Kumar Mahla said the police are questioning the accused for leads on the person who faked his papers.