The Delhi Police has intensified security arrangements in the national capital ahead of the Independence Day celebrations. It has deployed police forces and commandos across the city according to a security plan chalked out with the coordination of state governments and security agencies.
While speaking to ANI, Delhi Police spokesperson Chinmoy Biswal said, “There are certain preparations that we do as per various inputs. Apart from that, the Delhi Police with the cooperation of state governments and security agencies has made a security plan and forces have been deployed.”
“I would also like to mention that our force has been deployed and barricades have been placed at all the borders of Delhi, not only those where people are protesting but also all the motorable, non-motorable roads, highways and other routes in the national capital,” said Biswal while responding to a question on what arrangements have the Delhi Police made to avoid any untowardly incident similar to the one which took place last year amid the farmer’s protest.
“We are frisking all the persons, vehicles entering the national capital. No anti-social, anti-national elements shall be allowed to enter the capital city,” he said.
The Delhi Police spokesperson informed that an interstate coordination meeting was held with the police forces of neighbouring states and all security arrangements have been beefed up with their coordination. “We also take into consideration all the inputs that we get from social media and other related platforms. Even if any incident takes place in other parts of the country, we include that too in our security calculations and formulate security plans and arrangements accordingly and try to improvise them as much as possible and stay alert.”
“We have deployed well-trained commando forces at various locations across Delhi to tackle any threats. We are prepared to leave no room for any suspicious activity,” he added.
With ANI inputs.