Delhi Police summoned the son of Nizamuddin Markaz chief Maulana Saad, whose outfit Tablighi Jamaat is under scanner for flouting lockdown rules and contributing to a significant rise of Covid-19 cases in the country. His son was summoned by the crime branch and interrogated for about two hours. Sources say, during the course of questioning, Maulana Saad’s son was also asked about the whereabouts of the 20 people who were responsible for looking after the visitors at the Markaz, and are now missing. Information collected suggested that the police grilled his second son who is more involved in activities at the Markaz. They also sought information about documents related to the activities of Tablighi Jamaat headquarters. So far, the crime branch has learnt that these 20 employees who were largely responsible for arranging accommodation for the visitors have been missing since the case was filed. The interrogation was focused on obtaining phone numbers, addresses and mobile numbers.
The police came to know about these missing people during the interrogation of a travel agent, who had taken care of the arrangements for the transportation of foreign people coming to Markaz. Police has obtained important information by putting the mobile ID and email of these personnel on surveillance. Not risking anything, the Maulana’s son was asked to undergo a Covid-19 test from AIIMS or a recognised government lab. Crime branch officials have asked the report to be sent to them; they had asked for a test previously as well. The crime branch and the Enforcement Directorate (ED) are tightening their case against the Jamaat chief, who is also being investigated for suspicious money transactions for his trust.
According to crime branch sources, a total of 11 people, including Maulana Saad, are being questioned about this trust. According to the Union Home Ministry, more than 4,200 coronavirus cases have links to people who attended the Markaz event. The Delhi Police crime branch had on March 31 lodged an FIR against seven people, including the cleric, on a complaint filed by the Station House Officer of Nizamuddin police station for holding the congregation in alleged violation of the orders against large gatherings to contain the spread of Covid-19.
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