The Special Cell of Delhi Police, actively investigating the Parliament security breach case, has apprehended two additional individuals suspected of having ties with the five already arrested in connection with the incident. The detainees, identified as Mahesh and Kailash, both residents of Rajasthan, allegedly have affiliations with a social media group named ‘Justice for Azad Bhagat Singh.’

Interrogations by the Counter Intelligence Unit of the Special Cell unveiled that Mahesh intended to be part of the attack team but was thwarted by his family members. Additionally, Mahesh played a role in assisting Lalit Jha, the alleged mastermind and the fifth accused, in destroying the mobile phones of his associates upon reaching Kuchaman in Rajasthan from Delhi.

Senior police officials, including two Deputy Commissioners of Police (DCP) and Additional Commissioners of Police, conducted a night-long interrogation of Lalit Jha, during which he provided a detailed account of the entire incident.

Sources revealed that preparations for the attack were underway for months, with Lalit actively seeking an entry pass to Parliament. Continuous monitoring of developments and police movements was carried out by Lalit from a hotel in Rajasthan through news channels.

In a bid to uncover more details, the Special Cell has deployed six teams to locations associated with the accused in Lucknow, Mysore, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and Haryana. The accused will be taken separately to different locations for cross-verification and identification of evidence during the 7-day custody period.

Investigations further exposed that two pairs of specially ordered shoes were made in Lucknow, as the accused discovered that shoes were not subject to inspection in Parliament, providing an easy way to carry the smoke canister inside.

The Special Cell plans to recreate the scene of Wednesday’s Parliament security breach by taking the accused to the Parliament complex on either Saturday or Sunday. This recreation aims to help the police understand the entry process and execution of the plan, involving the use of colour spray, and shedding light on crucial details surrounding the incident.