Three individuals have been arrested and a juvenile apprehended by the Delhi Police in connection with a knife stabbing incident in the IP Extension area. Deputy Commissioner of Police (East) Apoorva Gupta stated, “The three accused persons are identified as Sumit Kumar, Harsh Kumar, and Himanshu, with the recovery of the looted mobile phone and laptop bag of the deceased. One Child in Conflict with Law (CCL) was also apprehended. The knife used in the offence has been recovered as well. Further investigation is in progress.”
The incident occurred on the night of February 23-24, when a PCR call was received at PS Madhu Vihar. The caller reported that he and his friend Narender were at DDA Park in front of CNG Gas Station, IP Extension, to consume alcohol. Four unknown individuals approached them, stabbed Narender multiple times, and fled with his laptop bag and mobile phone.
Narender was rushed to LBS Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. A case was registered under Section 302/397/394/392/34 IPC, and an investigation was initiated.
DCP Apoorva Gupta described the scene, stating, “The injured person had 10-15 wounds and he died because of excessive bleeding. An FIR under sections 302, 394, and 397 of IPC has been registered and the investigation is underway. We are investigating it from both angles, generally, this kind of robbery doesn’t have multiple injuries. By not taking the witness at face value we are collecting circumstantial evidence to corroborate.”
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