In Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi, a fire erupted at a women’s paying guest facility, leading to the rescue of 35 individuals, including a four-year-old girl. Local residents, in addition to firefighters, played a crucial role in the rescue effort by forcibly opening the facility’s door and saving people amidst the intense blaze. Fortunately, this daring rescue operation resulted in no casualties.

According to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi, the fire originated from an electrical meter located in the stilt area, where old furniture and a rickshaw were stored, as revealed during an initial investigation.

Mukherjee Nagar, situated 3.5 kilometers from Delhi University, serves as a prominent area for student paying guest accommodations and coaching centers.

Footage from the scene depicted smoke and flames initially emerging on the ground floor and subsequently spreading to the three floors above. Although the fire department dispatched 20 fire tenders to the scene, only eight were able to reach due to traffic congestion and narrow lanes.

Promptly responding to the fire, vigilant residents gathered around the building and decided to rescue those trapped inside. A video captured individuals breaking open the locked door of the paying guest facility from the inside.

The rescue efforts faced challenges due to the building having just one staircase. Post-fire photographs released by authorities showcased the charred interiors, including the damaged staircase. The Delhi Police has filed charges against the owner of the paying guest facility.