In the wake of ongoing political crisis in the Aam Aadmi Party, Delhi Chief Minister, Kejriwal has called a meeting of party councillors and MLAs on Wednesday, March 1, 2023. The meeting has been called due to a recent cabinet reshuffle which was mandated after the resignation of top cabinet ministers Manish Sisodia and Satyendar Jain from their respective positions after the corruption allegations.

In the meeting the party organization can be discussed, sources reveals. Meanwhile, the LG of Delhi, VK Saxena approved the Kejriwal’s proposal on Wednesday to allocate new departments to ministers Kailash Gahlot and Rajkumar Anand.

The Chief Minister of Delhi has sent a proposal to allot 8 portfolios to Gahlot and 10 portfolios to Anand. Besides the departments already held by the two ministers, Kejriwal has entrusted both the ministers with major portfolios including Home, Health, and Education.