Delhi like incident has been repeated when a girl refused to marry in a love affair, the lover stabbed the girlfriend 12 times with a knife in Sitamarhi, Bihar.
A crazy lover has seriously injured his girlfriend by stabbing her 12 times with a knife. The incident is of Haribela village of Bathnaha police station area, where Chandan Kumar, son of Ramesh Shah, resident of Haribela village, was having a love affair with a girl from the village itself. Meanwhile, the girl’s marriage was fixed elsewhere, after which the lover forced her to marry, but the girl refused.
After which the crazy lover seriously injured the girlfriend by stabbing her. She was stabbed 12 times by the lover on many parts of her body. At present, the girlfriend is battling for life and death in a private hospital in the city.This is to tell that an attempt was made to carry out Delhi-like incident in Sitamarhi by a crazy lover. Before this, the intimate photos and videos of the girl were made viral 6 months ago by the lover in a mutual quarrel. But this matter was resolved after the Panchayati. The eccentric lover has absconded with his entire family after the incident.