The Delhi High Court in the case Sharad Vashisht General Secretary W One Desu Road Mehrauli v. Government Of NCT Of Delhi Through Its Chief Secretary And Ors observed and has asked the Municipal Corporation of Delhi, MCD in order to explore the possibility of developing parking spaces in the vicinity of Mehrauli area to tackle the problem of traffic jam there. The bench comprising of Acting Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Mini Pushkarna in the case observed and has directed the city authorities to decide the representations of a Mehrauli resident regarding traffic jam and lack of adequate parking spaces in the area.
The court stated that the petitioner is granted liberty for filing the respective representations within two weeks raising all his grievances and the representation of the petitioner shall be decided by the respective bodies within the period of four weeks of receipt of such representation. Adding to it, the court stated that at the time of deciding the representation of the petitioner, the MCD may also explore the possibility of developing parking spaces in the vicinity of the area in order to tackle the problem of traffic jam in the area. It being the case of resident that there is the footfall in the restaurants or bars running in Mehrauli, especially in the evening time, which continues till wee hours of morning.
It was also submitted before the court that there is a footfall in the restaurants or bars running in Mehrauli, especially in the evening time, which continues till wee hours of morning.
On the other hand, it has been contended by the authorities that the area where the restaurants are existing is a commercial area and that the said restaurants are were being operated after obtaining requisite licenses. It has also been submitted before the court that they were committed to comply with any directions passed by court with regards to the grievances raised by the resident.The court while considering the facts and circumstances of the court stated that the grievance of the petitioner regarding high decibel music in the said restaurants till late night and the said restaurants are running without license, shall be looked into by the Delhi Police. Accordingly, the court disposed of the plea.