The Delhi High Court on Monday transferred the bail plea of Khalid Saifi, an accused in a larger conspiracy case of North East Delhi riots, before the special bench hearing the connected bail matters. The Division Bench of Justice Mukta Gupta and Justice Anish Dayal at the request of the petitioner’s counsel, listed the matter before the special bench of justices Sidharth Mridul and Rajanish Bhatnagar for 22 July 2022.
Advocate Rajat Kumar, counsel for the petitioner, submitted that it is an appeal against the trial court order in a riot-related matter and other connected matters are pending before the special bench so this matter should be listed before the same bench. Special public prosecutor Amit Prasad did not oppose the request. The High Court on 9 May 2022 had issued notice to the Government of Delhi on an appeal of Khalid Saifi, an accused in a larger conspiracy connected with the North East Delhi violence challenging the trial court order refused bail to him.
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