In a case involving anomalies in the distribution of a coal block in Chhattisgarh, the Delhi High Court granted interim bail to former Rajya Sabha MP Vijay Darda, his son Devender Darda, and businessman Manoj Jayaswal on Friday.

In the case, the Special Court sentenced them to four years in prison on Wednesday.

The bench of Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma while granting interim bail took into account that they were never arrested and remained on bail and said, “they be admitted to interim bail subject to conditions that they shall not leave country and make themselves available as and when called.”

The Court also gave the CBI time to respond to their appeal for postponement of conviction and sentencing. The court also requested the CBI’s answer to their motion contesting the trial court’s order of conviction, and set the matter for September 28, 2023.

Manoj Jayaswal was represented by Advocate Vijay Aggarwal, Vijay Darda was represented by Senior Advocate Kirti Uppal, and Devender Darda was represented by Advocate Ayush Jindal.

Former Rajya Sabha MP Vijay Darda, his son Devender Darda, and M/S JLD Yavatmal Energy Pvt Ltd’s Director Manoj Kumar Jayaswal were sentenced to four years in prison by the Special Coal Court of Delhi on Wednesday in a case involving irregularities in the allocation of a coal block in Chhattisgarh.