Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj called an emergency meeting on Thursday afternoon after 300 fresh Covid-19 cases were recorded in the capital on Wednesday, marking a sharp uptick in infections over the last 24 hours. According to a bulletin issued by the Delhi Health department on Wednesday, the capital registered two deaths from Covid over the last 24 hours. The national capital currently has 806 active Covid cases, with the infection rate at 13.89 per cent, the bulletin stated. Further, according to the bulletin, as many as 2,160 swab samples were tested over the last 24 hours, of which 300 tested positive for Covid-19. Additionally, according to the release, a total of 4,07,85,433 Covid tests have been conducted so far. Moreover, a total of 163 Covid patients recovered from the virus in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of recoveries to 19,82,029. Earlier, on Tuesday, the national capital recorded 214 new Covid infections. 671 number of active cases were recorded while the positive rate jumped to 11.88 per cent.
According to a bulletin issued by the Health department on Tuesday, 81 Covid patients recovered from the virus in the city, taking the total number of recoveries to 19, 81,866.
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