Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said that the Delhi government would organise Chhath Puja at 1100 places in the capital city this year and has approved an Rs 25 crore budget to facilitate the celebration of the festival that is hugely popular in Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh.
People worship the Sun God during the festival, which will be celebrated between 28 October and 31 October this year. Kejriwal said that the Delhi government was making all efforts to ensure that the people celebrate on a grand scale.
Delhi Revenue Minister Kailash Gahlot held a review meeting on the preparedness for Chhath Puja in the national capital on October 6.
Burari MLA Sanjiv Jha, the Divisional Commissioner and all the District Magistrates of Delhi attended the meeting.
In Delhi, the Revenue Department is the nodal department for the celebration of Chhath Puja in a safe, secure and eco-friendly manner with full festivity.
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