Following a gunfight, the Delhi police detained a desperate thief and kidnapper, according to officials on Wednesday. The accused, identified as Raja (27), a resident of Burari, Delhi, was detained, and the police reported that they had filed a case at the Crime Branch police station under Sections 186, 353 and 307 of the IPC and Sections 25 and 27 of the Arms Act. Two stolen cell phones and a stolen motorcycle were also found in his possession, according to the information the police provided.
The officials said that secret information was received that the wanted criminal, Raja, in order to commit some heinous crime, was going to go to Gurugram via Delhi’s Aruna Asal Ali Road in Vasant Kunj.
The input that the police had received also mentioned that the accused is always in possession of firearms and weapons, and he would not hold back from open firing at the police team as well.
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