A Delhi court is likely to pronounce on Tuesday its order on framing charges against Aaftab Amin Poonawala, accused of strangling his live-in partner, Shraddha Walkar, and chopping her body into pieces. On 29 April, Additional Sessions Judge Vishal Pahuja adjourned the order on the framing of charges against Poonawala, noting that the judge concerned was on leave. The court also adjourned till 9 May the hearing on an application by the victim’s father, Vikas Walkar, urging the judge that his daughter’s remains be handed over to the family for the last rites as required by tradition and culture. Additional Sessions Judge Manisha Khurana Kakkar had on 15 April reserved the order for 29 April after hearing the arguments of prosecution lawyers as well as the accused on the framing of charges. The probe agency had sought time on 15 April to file its reply to the application of Walkar’s father. Poonawala has been booked by the Delhi Police for offences under IPC sections 302 (murder) and 201 (causing the disappearance of evidence of an offence).
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