On the occasion of World Tourism Day, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday launched the “Dekho Meri Delhi” app. After launching the app, Kejriwal said, “The app has been designed in a very user-friendly way. The app will help people to know more about Delhi—where they are sitting and if they want to see the historical places, the entertainment places, or which are the parks within their 5-kilometer radius, they can look for it instantly with the help of the app. I think it will not only be useful for tourists, but it will also be very useful for the people of Delhi.”
Chief Minister Kejriwal said that Delhi is going to be one of the select cities of the world, where an app related to tourism has been developed. “I understand that this will have a huge impact on the tourism sector. Tourism is a sector that has manifold potential, not just a few percentages of growth. It has high potential and scope. Increase in tourism will affect the whole sector. When a tourist comes, he eats food. This affects the food sector, affects the hospitality sector, affects the entertainment industry, and affects every type of industry. If we can increase tourism-related activities, then I think it can have a very good impact on the economy of Delhi. We can create jobs on a very large scale in this sector,” he added.
Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal also appealed to all the countrymen to download this app.
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