According to Aam Aadmi Party sources on Wednesday, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will not be questioning in the Delhi liquor scam case before the Enforcement Directorate. In relation to the excise policy case, CM Kejriwal received a third summons from ED on December 22 of last year, requesting that he appear before the agency on January 3. Party sources claim that although Kejriwal declined to appear today and called the notice “illegal,” he did indicate in his response to the ED that he was willing to assist with the investigation. According to party sources, Kejriwal further questioned the notice’s timing, believing it to be an attempt to prevent him from campaigning ahead of the 2024 parliamentary elections.

According to sources Kejriwal is ready to cooperate in ED investigation but the ED notice is illegal. Sources claim that the agency intends to arrest Arvind Kejriwal as they want to stop Kejriwal from the election campaign. The AAP has questioned the timing of the notice just before the 2024 elections.
The Delhi CM was first called by the central agency to appear on November 2, but he did not depose, alleging that the notice was “vague, motivated and unsustainable in law.”
He further alleged that the said summons appeared to be politically motivated and issued for extraneous considerations.
Kejriwal was issued the second summons by the ED on December 18, asking him to depose at the federal agency’s office on December 21, which the Chief Minister skipped.
Kejriwal was not named as an accused in the first information report (FIR) filed by the CBI on August 17, last year.