In the Kanjhawala death case, the hearing on the bail plea of Ashutosh Bhardwaj has been adjourned on Tuesday by the Rohini Court, Delhi for Thursday. Ashutosh Bhardwaj is one of the accused in Anjali’s death case.

Meanwhile, the other six accused are under judicial custody. The concerned judge was not available today that’s why the hearing on the bail plea of Ashutosh was adjourned by Link Metropolitan Magistrate.

Accused Ashutosh’s Advocate Shilpesh Chaudhary requested the linked judge to list the matter. Earlier on Monday the court of Metropolitan Magistrate Sanya Dalal asked Delhi Police to reply to Ashutosh Bhardwaj’s bail plea.

Moreover, the Additional public prosecutor (APP) Atul Srivastava for Delhi Police said and urged that the accused be sent to Judicial custody.

The sections which are put up on the accused are 201, 212, and 120B part 2 which are bailable.

Court said, “As of now section 304 IPC is against Ashutosh.”

In the Kanjhawala case, the seventh accused Ankush was also arrested and Ankush was the one who helped the other accused to flee by arranging an auto.

However, in the early hours of New Year Anjali was killed after her scooty was hit by a car and for 13 kilometers was dragged under the vehicle on the city’s roads.