The New Delhi district administration is taking measures to address vaccine hesitancy and encourage more people to take the Covid-19 vaccine.

The measures are meant to cater to people both pre-vaccine and post-vaccine. The efforts taken by the administration include playing light music in the waiting area and applauding beneficiaries who get vaccinated to motivate those in line.

To address post-vaccination anxiety, television sets have been installed and magazines made available in the observation area. Post-vaccination selfie stands have also been placed at hospitals.

HoDs and professors have been vaccinated to influence HCWs. Photographs and videos of the beneficiaries are also being circulated on WhatsApp groups and shown on screens near the session sites to motivate other HCWs.

A dedicated team of Swasthyadoot volunteers have also been deployed for psychological boosting and counselling of all the beneficiaries of the vaccine. Swasthyadoot volunteers, under the guidance of clinical psychologists and nursing instructors from NIHFW, will also be interacting with vaccination beneficiaries prior to vaccination to address vaccine hesitancy.

The district administration is committed to bring about a behavioural change in society through dedicated teams of Manoratna volunteers, NGOs and the civil society.