Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami participated in the Ganesh Mahotsav on Sunday and offered prayers to Lord Ganesha.

Meanwhile, the event is organized at Raghunath Temple, Gurudwara Colony in Dehradun’s Clementtown.

“India is a country of festivals. Festivals make society alive. May Lord Ganesha bring happiness and prosperity to all of us,” Dhami said.

On the occasion of Ganesh Mahotsav Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami also announced giving 50 lakh money.

“Today in heavy rains, such a large number of people have come for Ganesh Mohtsav, it shows their reverence. Such a grand Ganesh festival has been organized,” the Chief Minister said.

Taking to Twitter, Dhami said, “Today attended the 12th Shree Ganesh Mahotsav program organized at Raghunath Mandir, Clementtown (Dehradun). On this occasion, worshipped Siddhi Vinayak Shri Ganesh Ji with full law and order and wished for the welfare of all the people of the state.”

“An amount of Rs 50 lakh was also announced to be sanctioned for the construction of the hall on the temple premises,” Dhami added.