Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will be on a one-day tour of the state on Friday. He will participate in the nomination rally of BJP candidates Deepti Maheshwari from Rajsamand and Kunwar Vishwaraj Singh from Nathdwara. During the visit, he will also visit the Shrinath Ji Temple in Nathdwara.
According to the program, Rajnath Singh will depart from Delhi by flight at 10 am and arrive at Udaipur Airport at 11:15 am. BJP workers will welcome him there. After that, at 11:25 am, he will depart for Rajsamand by helicopter and participate in the nomination rally of BJP candidate Deepti Maheshwari. Later, around 1 pm, he will address the gathering and join various programs in Rajsamand.
After the event in Rajsamand, he will proceed to Nathdwara and visit the Shrinath Ji Temple to seek blessings. Following this, he will arrive at the Rasala Chowk in Nathdwara and address a nomination rally for BJP candidate Kunwar Vishwaraj Singh. He will also participate in various programs in Nathdwara. In the evening, around 3:30 pm, Rajnath Singh will depart for Delhi from Udaipur Airport.