MUMBAI: Deepika Padukone is busy these days with projects opposite A-listers such as Prabhas and Shah Rukh Khan, among others. According to a report published in Mid Day, she will be seen doing some high-octane action sequences in Pathan. In fact, Deepika has undergone intense preparations for this action avatar. “Deepika is shooting for high octane action scenes for Pathan currently. They are shooting them in Mumbai itself and Deepika has done intense preps for it,” a source close to the actress was quoted saying. Interestingly, this isn’t the first time that Deepika will be seen giving a glimpse of her action avatar on the big screen. She did have a power-packed role in her Hollywood debut XXX: Return of Xander Cage with Vin Diesel. Apart from Deepika and Shah Rukh Khan, Pathan will also feature John Abraham who will be seen as the lead antagonist in the movie. 


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