Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone was spotted by the paparazzi at the Mumbai Airport in the wee hours of the morning. She looked chic and stunning. Reportedly, the talented actress was heading to Hyderabad for the shoot of her upcoming film Project K. Written and directed by the very talented Nag Ashwin, Project K also stars megastar Amitabh Bachchan and south superstar Prabhas. 

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The talented actress was spotted in a beige-colored tracksuit. She paired her outfit with white sneakers, a brown bag, and a pair of dark sunglasses. The talented actress had her hair tied back in a ponytail.

On Sunday, it was confirmed that Telugu superstar Kamal Haasan will be joining the cast of Project K. The actor is expected to play the antagonist’s role in the film. He mentioned Deepika Padukone in his official statement post the announcement and said: “50 years back when I was a dance assistant and an assistant director the name Ashwini Dutt loomed large in the production sector. Both of us are coming together after 50 years. A brilliant director from our next generation is at the helm. My co-stars Prabhas and Deepika are also of that generation. I have worked with Amit Ji before. Yet every time it feels like the first time. Amit Ji keeps reinventing himself. I am also emulating that inventive process. I am eagerly waiting for Project K. Whatever position the audience place me at, my primary quality is that I am a film buff. That quality will keep applauding any new attempt in my industry. Let mine be the first applause for Project K. With our director Nag Ashwin’s vision. I am sure that applause will echo across our country and the world of cinema.”

Apart from Project K, the talented actress will also be seen in Fighter, co-starring Hrithik Roshan and Anil Kapoor. Fighter marks Hrithik and Deepika Padukone’s first on-screen collaboration. It is touted to be India’s first aerial action franchise and went on floors last year in November.