The gorgeous Deepika Padukone recently took to her official Instagram handle and shared unseen pictures of the moments just before she went on to the Oscars 2023 stage to introduce RRR’s Oscar-winning song “Naatu Naatu. In the caption of her post, she wrote, “And the rest is history… #oscars [The Academy].” In the pictures shared by Deepika, we can see her in a beautiful black gown. In one of the pictures, the actress is seen closing her eyes as she prepares to walk onto the stage. In another picture, she is taking one last look at her notes.
Take a look at Deepika Padukone’s Instagram post
Since the actress shared these pictures on the night of Met Gala in New York, which was attended by Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra, Isha Ambani and others, a confused fan asked her, “R u attending Met!????” Another commented, “You created history for sure DP!!!!”For the unversed, RRR’s Naatu Naatu won in the Best Original Song category at the 95th Academy Awards, beating heavyweights like Lady Gaga and Rihanna’s numbers. Lyricist and music composer Chandrabose and MM Keeravani received the awards for the song.
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