The talented actress Deepika Padukone took to her official Instagram handle and shared a fun, playful reel in which she is seen taking on the hula hoop challenge. The video shows her hilarious banter with hairstylist Yianni Tsapatori. The actress looks absolutely stunning in a black tied-up top, paired with blue denims. Her hair was tied back in a top knot, while she accessorized her look with ear studs. Reacting to her post, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Miss these kind of reels from you!!!” Another wrote, “We really miss this kind of reels Deepu.” A third fan wrote, “”How I’ve missed these reels.” Another commented, “Yar ye kitni pyarrrriiii haiiii.”
Take a look at Deepika Padukone’s Instagram post
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Deepika was last seen in Pathaan opposite Shah Rukh Khan. Now, she will have a cameo appearance in Jawan. The film will be released on September 7. Apart from this, the gorgeous actress will next be seen in Kalki 2898 AD with Prabhas, and Fighter opposite Hrithik Roshan. Deepika also has Rohit Shetty’s Singham Again.
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