Deepika Padukone has been selected as one of the presenters this year, ahead of 95th academy awards she flew to US. The pictures and videos of Deepika at Mumbai airport surfaced online on Thursday night as she was captured by the paparazzi’s at the airport. The ‘Gehraiyaan’ actor was dressed in all-black. She chose a turtle-neck black sweater, teaming it up with a black blazer. The nerdy black glass added to the glam quotient of Deepika. The actor posed for the paparazzi stationed at the airport. She smiled, and greeted them saying ‘Thank You.’ Even Deepika shared a gratitude emoji on the post of a paparazzo, who shared the video on Instagram.
Deepika took to Instagram on 3 March to share a post with the names of all the presenters. Prior to this Deepika made head turns with her Gothic-inspired look at the Paris Fashion Week just a few days back. Deepika wore Louis Vuitton’s leather stud button coat at PFW. She accentuated her dress by carrying a stylish black bag. She paired the coat with black long boots and laced stockings. Meanwhile, on the film front, Deepika has already started the shoot of ‘Fighter’.
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