Congress Rajya Sabha MP Deepender Hooda addressed a public gathering in Jind. During this event, he fiercely criticized the BJP government. Speaking to the audience, he mentioned that the election bugle has sounded, signaling both the initiation of elections and the impending victory of the Congress. He emphasized that whether elections are held together or separately, the victory of the Congress has already been heralded. Moreover, he extensively targeted the Khattar government, alleging that it had plunged Haryana below the development track and emphasized the need for a careful assessment before making decisions.
Hooda highlighted that while 5,000 schools were shut down by the Khattar government, the Congress had opened 2,700 new schools. He further criticized the government, citing 20 paper leak scandals and the trend of recruiting individuals from outside Haryana instead of among the state’s three crore population. He noted the rise in unemployment and the youth leaving the country due to various reasons like depression, substance abuse, or selling everything to go abroad.
Reflecting on the past, Hooda recalled BJP’s government coming with a massive mandate ten years ago, a time when people held high expectations. He mentioned that before 2014, Haryana stood first in development, sports, and allotment of plots to Dalits. However, he criticized the current scenario, citing a decline in Haryana’s rankings and the state losing its top positions to Delhi, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh in various aspects. He concluded by highlighting the lack of significant movements during the Congress era, especially for athletes, farmers, or traders, and the absence of significant industrial or employment growth during the past ten years.